TPMS-a helping hand in fuel crisis

Alongside the ever increasing fuel prices, experts are now warning of a global diesel crisis as sanctions on Russia restrict supply, and rationing looks like a possibility. Two really good reasons why it makes even more sense for transport operators to use TPMS which helps reduce fuel usage.

Fuel  use  increases dramatically when tyres  are under-inflated, so maintaining the correct pressure is really important.
TPMS sensors by Axscend checks pressure and temperature every few seconds while the trailer is in use, and adjustable alert levels mean a clear warning is given for any divergence from the optimum  pressures.

Our Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) enables you to view the tyre pressures of your fleet, in real-time. We are independent of tyre suppliers which means we can work with you to ensure every single tyre within your fleet is monitored regardless of who supplies the tyre.

TPMS by Axscend

*Reduces breakdowns
*Prevents blowouts and fires
*Reduces fuel usage saving you money
*Reduces your fleets CO2 emissions
*Saves you hours of time spent on roadside checks, repairs and breakdowns


For more info call 01303 842100 Or click here